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Partnering with Serving USA  

Empowering Lives Through Christ

A Forever Lasting Mens Fellowship

Not only do we tell about the blessings from God we show it.

A Home of Hope

We provide a home where men and women can live after leaving prison, jail or the dead-end lifestyle.

Thrift Store

Help us grow and reach those in need by supporting our thrift store through your patronization and donations.

Learn More

New Beginnings Mission

Helping people, through the Word of God and daily habits, to break free of the dead end lifestyle.

Over 4,600 persons annually are returned to the community of El Dorado County from just our local jail. There is a great need to introduce them to the one who can change their lives in a great way forever and help them on that journey with practical discipleship in a safe and positive environment.

Safe secure housing

New Beginnings provides a safe place for residents to feel comfortable, monitored by staff 24/7

Drug-free environment

Fostering a clean environment, free of alcohol and drugs to provide a pathway to productive lifestyles

Non-profit organization

New Beginnings is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, governed by Christians from the Placerville area.

Volunteer staff

The staff of New Beginnings is made up of largely of volunteer community members.

Donation funded

New Beginnings is largely funded through community donations.


New Beginnings Gold Country is a 501(c)3 charitable program that supports all our armed forces personnel. This includes all of our veterans and our active duty personnel.

At both of our stores, with proof of service (active duty ID card, reserve ID card, retired ID card, DD-214, veteran mark on California ID, etc.) we provide a 25% discount (excluding any items already discounted or marked "NFD).

Part of New Beginnings Gold Country's mission is to help those who are transitioning back into society from juvenile hall, jail, and prison. We have two transitional homes, one for men and one for women. New Beginnings Gold Country helps them to become better people and more productive citizens. This includes those veterans that have been housed in those type of facilities.

We work with the local veteran organizations and veteran's court to help veterans in need, which can include transitional housing.

New Beginnings Gold Country donates a portion of our proceeds received each Memorial Day and Veteran's Day to various veteran organizations.


Meet The Team

Daniel Tober
Donation Area Supervisor
Summer Reid
Thrift Store Manager
Anthony Vega
Operations Manager

Board of Directors

Randy Haskins
Founder/Executive Director
Lori Veerkamp
Board Member
Leslie Barlow
Board Member
Emily Burns
Board Member
Pastor Bimp Mc Allister
Honorary Board Member
Pastor Daniel Rivers
Honorary Board Member

Support New Beginnings

Help us grow and reach those in need who are living a life just being released from prison, jail or a dead-end lifestyle.

"Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." —Matthew 25

Partner Ministries

  • Serving USA
  • Green Valley Community Church
  • Calvary Chapel
  • Park Community Church
  • Westside Church
  • Kelsey Bible Church
  • Solid Rock
  • Discovery Hills
  • District Church
  • Hillside Church

Friends of New Beginnings Gold Country

  • Prison Fellowship
  • Behind the Walls
  • Pregnancy Counseling
  • K Love
  • Windfall
  • El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce
  • Disvoery Hills
  • Swingles
  • Thunder Road Biker Church
  • Aborn Powers
  • Best Legal Support
  • Flowers on Main Street
  • Mountain Democrat
  • Doug Veerkamp General Engineering
  • Winworks
  • Old Town Grill
  • True Value
  • Infuze Marketing
  • Metcalf Family Motorsports


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